Caulfield Evangelical Methodist Church
- Weekly Pastoral Message -

"Continuing steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine" Acts 2:42

Weekly Pastoral Message prepared by Rev. Murray Adamthwaite
for Sunday 12th July 1998

From the Pastor: Animal Lessons V

"The badgers are not mighty folk, yet they make their houses in the rocks." Proverbs 30:26

There is no small confusion regarding the word translated "badger". The old King James version rendered it as "coney", while more modern versions translate "badger". It is in fact the rock hyrax, which is related to neither of the above, whose habits well illustrate the point which Agur, son of Jakeb (Proverbs 30:1) seeks to make. Yet it is easy to see why the confusion came about: they have partially clawed hoofs, the general appearance of a rabbit, and similar habits in some respects.

The hyrax is a small rodent-like animal with a plump head and body, plus a short neck and slender legs. They live in rock crevices, from which they do not venture far. Equipped with pads on their hoofs they are very swift and agile in a rock environment, and at the slightest alarm they will scurry for cover. This little creature is hardly a fierce predator like the lion or the leopard, nor is it an imposing giant like an elephant or giraffe, yet it makes good use of its environment. The rocks provide a secure refuge for the hyrax, to which its little feet carry it very quickly, while the mountain regions provide its diet of plants and leaves. Along with ants, locusts, and lizards they are "small but very wise" according to Proverbs 30:24-28, so from these obscure and timid creatures we may draw some lessons.

Christ is both the refuge and the environment for the Christian: He is the LORD, the Everlasting Rock (Isaiah 26:4), a secure refuge in Whom we may trust forever (cf. the hymn "Rock of Ages"). We may not be strong in ourselves, but our Redeemer is certainly so. Furthermore, He is the environment for the Christian as he lives in this world with all its sin and corruption: "for me, to live is Christ" (Philippians 1:21). Though that environment this side of glory is in "the wilderness", outside the mainstream of acceptance, yet there, just as the LORD provides for the humble hyrax (Psalm 104:18), so will He nurture the humble believer. May the Lord give you the wisdom of the little hyrax.


Caulfield Evangelical Methodist Church
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