Caulfield Evangelical Methodist Church
- Weekly Pastoral Message -

"Continuing steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine" Acts 2:42

Weekly Pastoral Message prepared by Rev. Murray Adamthwaite
for Sunday 9th February 1997

From the Pastor: For Communion Sunday

The Lord's Supper is often referred to as a "sacrament", a word that conjures up various ideas in different minds. Basically it means something sacred, with which a blessing is associated in the appointment of God. That is the essence of it, whatever else may be said. Our Lord requires that we seek Him in partaking of the Lord's Supper, and promises to those who sincerely do so that they will receive encouragement, assurance, renewed forgiveness and establishment in hope.

The Old Testament believer had a similar blessing in the Ark of the Covenant. This symbol not only represented God's presence among the people, but actually conveyed it as well. That was why the Glory filled the room in the Temple where the Ark was. Now that gilded box has lost its significance (Jeremiah 3:16), but our Lord has promised to meet us in His Supper, and to everyone who hopes in Him that promise is guaranteed.

Come to the table, then, not as "upright", "worthy", or "spiritually mature" people, but as weak, failing, fearful, or discouraged, whose only plea is, "I need Thy presence every passing hour". Then leave with His comforting word, "Go in peace; your faith has saved you".


Caulfield Evangelical Methodist Church
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